Torre Normanna
Fortuna and Angelo
The theme of Fortuna and Angelo’s wedding recalls the Amalfi Coast, chosen by the spouses because they are very attached to this area and, in particular, to the Norman Tower, in Maiori, where they spend their anniversary every year.
For this reason I have chosen the Colors of the sea, blue and light blue, and to create more movement, I added a small touch of yellow. It was a very painstaking work, because the couple wanted it to be all handmade.
The mood naturally starts from the invitation, with custom graphics and a square shape, to recall the “Vietri tile”.
In the church I placed mass booklets, a small box with rise and a fan on the benches, always with the same style and the same form.
Another symbol of the Amalfi Coast is the “tambourine”, always hand painted, and they set up the beautiful tableau de marriage.
The Tambourines were the names of the table, and represented the caves of Amalfi Coast.
The design and construction of the tableau de mariage was complex, because I had to handle the ceramic tambourines with care.
As for the mise en place, I love simple and essential things.
The place marker, which in this case was a Vietri tile, was placed on a card with the name of the guest who sat at that table.
Delphiniums of an intense blue were chosen for the floral compositions, with hydrangeas, ivory English roses and some very small daisies, with the classic yellow pistil that gave that touch of color and that recalled the yellow of the tambourines.
On the imperial tables, the compositions extended along the table, interspersed with single crystal flame with ivory-colored conical candles.
After dinner, I set up a big sweet table, with confetti, mini cake, biscuits, cake pops and cupcake, and also all traditional Neapolitan sweets, but the real attraction was Amalfi corner, with all the typical liqueurs of the coast and chocolates of various flavors.
And finally, the cadeaux de marriage was ceramic bottles with limoncello….
Of course all done by hand!