aura piantanida slide eventi party anni 20 1


San Severino Park Hotel

1920’s party

Themed events always have their charm and are increasingly requested by many customers.

I grew up in a house where my mother loved to organize big parties, so every time we thought of a
different theme.

It was a moment of conviviality, serenity and enthusiasm.
Those were different times, those of receiving friends at home, in their living rooms.
For this event, I proposed a party with a “20s” theme, the years of American prohibition.
Imagination to a welcoming home.

At every corner were served cigars, chocolate and many gifts that allowed you to identify with the historical

A majestic corner bar and rigorously off-the-cuff service meant that guests could enjoy the party at any

I have dedicated several spaces to vegetation, with various types of plants that complemented the

What made the evening unique was the music, with a great performance by a trio of vocalists that cheered
every moment.

And finally, a surprise for the birthday boy, who was able to admire an exhibition entirely dedicated to him
by dancers from the famous “Burlesque”.

Setting up a themed event is not easy, because you need to understand the guests’ needs first, and then
move on to the realization.

Every aspect must be studied to perfection, from the catering, to the setting up, to the choice of flowers
and gadgets, without underestimating music and entertainment in general.

video copertina sanserverino